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Trinity Episcopal Church

Manassas, VA

Allen Organ Installation - Trinity Episcopal Church

3 Manual


Allen French Terrace Console

10 Ranks of Reuter Pipes


Situated in the heart of historic Old Town Manassas, Trinity Church was originally founded as Dentigen Parish in 1745. The parish changed its name to Trinity Church in 1872. The present building dates from 1922.


The new Allen Heritage console controls 58 digital stops and 10 ranks of brand new Reuter pipework, comprising a full Great principal chorus, plus an 8' trumpet and a pedal stop. The instrument also features Allen's Interlaced Audio™, Allen Vista™ and "add digital" and "substitute digital" options.


The installation was an installation challenge because of the need to reposition an existing interior window backlit by LEDs. The window was moved forward to the front of the case and speakers were installed behind it.


The console design is a French terrace-style with a two-tone oak finish. The console also features: custom-designed drawknobs with rosewood stems and maple faces; tracker touch, reverse color-scheme keyboards with rosewood sharps and black naturals; an adjustable-height solid-wood music rack; an adjustable-height crank bench with molding; Skinner-style keycheeks; black pistons; English Cathedral stop list engravings with Orchestral stops engraved in red and Swell Solo voices engraved in blue; chrome toe studs in black finish bases; and an AGO pedalboard with rosewood sharps with maple naturals.

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11611 Old Georgetown Rd., N. Bethesda, MD 20852, (301)230-6535

12033 Dorsett Road, Maryland Heights, MO 63043, (314) 344-1133


© 2023 by Allen Organ DC

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